Under chin - $800
This treatment address sagging skin under the chin, also referred to as a double chin or turkey neck
Increase height and volume, while addressing fine lines and deflated appearance of the upper lip!
Lift and tighten the under eye
Tummy Tightening - $3,000
Starts at $1800 per 6”x “6 area specified $350 per each additional 30 minutes until desired result is achieved
a full orbital treatment of the eye are, addressing the upper lid, lower lid, and crows feet.
$45 per skin tag or $350/30 minutes of removal time
Decrease overall width and size, and lift the nose tip, while dramatically improving texture and pore size, and recurring texture/blackheads.
This treatment addresses just under the jawline/chin down to the top of the clavicle notch.
Knee lift - $800 / $2,000
This treatment addresses a 4x4” area behind or above the knee
Flip both the upper and lower lip for a fuller pout, while addressing lip lines and dropped mouth corners.
Entire area above + between brows
Remove sun spots, wrinkles, crepe-y texture for hands that look your age or better! This treatment addresses from wrist to above fingernails.
Includes forehead to jawline, and all treatable conditions within that area (tightening, scarring, age spots, skin tags, etc)
Full coverage - upper face - $2,150
This treatment addresses the forehead and full eye area, including the temple/crows feet.
Full coverage - Lower Face - $2,150
Nostrils to jawline completely covered
This treatment addresses the crows feet, aka the lines on the side of the eye that remain when not smiling.
This treatment works to address nasolabial folds, smile lines, jowling, while increasing lip height and softening lip lines.
C-section scar reduction - $750 - $1,200
The cheek lift addresses the nasolabial folds, mid face, and cheek bone to lift and smooth skin in the mid face. This works to soften shadows, support sagging skin, and retexture the sin for taut cheekbones, smooth texture and improved luminosity. It covers the top of cheek bone down to the upper lip, skipping over the nose and upper lip.
Depending on breast size, the price for full breast coverage ranges from $2400-$4000
Breast lift scar treatment - $1,050
Scarring treatment focused only on spot treating acne scars, charged at $350/30 minutes. Most clients need 1 hr - 1.5 hours - time will be adjusted in appointment after consultation.